A PV reads with a participant of the tutoring program for kids from Glen Fork Grade School
The PV jobsite board from Friday
An impromptu coffee house sing along one night in the community room. We had one talented musical group this week!
Celebrating a birthday with one of the tutoring students. The PVs were very creative in having the kids make the pudding and working on their fractions at the same time!
Week 3's group shot...look at all those smiling faces!
For Friday evening's reflection we all headed outside for a reflection on our sense experiences from the day
PVs hard at work organizing St.Vincent DePaul, an ongoing job all throughout the summer. One PV said it was a "extreme makeover edition" of the warehouse.
This site had many different jobs going on at the same time, with the family working right alongside the PVs
A PV and friend share stories while painting a door.
Two of our smaller PVs became experts at stapling insulation under a newly built addition
There was a lot of game playing this week....dominoes anyone?
Banana-grams has been very popular all summer. PVs have quite an impressive vocabulary!
Keeping up with tradition, this talented home repair crew sung their report back to the group during jobsites. There must be video of this somewhere....anyone, anyone???
Two of our favorite PV meal preparers making homemade manicotti. We really suffer down here with bad food :o)
We kicked off the week with our traditional, non-competitive kickball game. Of course it ended in a tie!
i'll get you video of jo and co. (ahaha, i rhymed) singing their workday wrapup. :)