there are never really endings, happy or otherwise. Things keep going on, they
overlap and blur, your story is part of your sister's story is part of many
other stories, and there is no telling where any of them may lead.
Today was moving day! As a community we packed up and moved all the PV tools, kitchen items, beds, etc to St. Vincent DePaul for safe storage. With the help of a U-Haul and many eager helpful hands everything went very smooth and quick. In the afternoon, there was even time for a group to go spend time with the residents at Glen Rogers Manor playing banana bingo and visiting.
The final closing reflection is always a bittersweet occasion. It is a wonderful time to look back at all that was accomplished during the summer, but also there is the reality that is all over until next summer. Thank you to all who came this summer and to all who followed along. A big thank you also to The Way for opening your doors to us and to the people of Wyoming County for opening your lives to us. Many wonderful memories were made that will be cherished during the year.
*** Come back to check on pictures that will be forth coming in the next week ***
Thank you, PV Volunteers, for coming to our area to serve our communities. We are glad you stayed at The Way and held summer camp for the youth in our area too. What a great team of servants you are! We will look forward to your visit next year. God bless you.