For community day, we hit the road and went to the New River Gorge. This is the suspension bridge over the gorge
A shot into the gorge. If you look really close you can see the rafters and kayakers.
The PV caravan going across the old bridge at the bottom of the gorge
PVs on a hike at the bottom of the gorge.
A beautiful waterfall that had plenty of water flowing thanks to the rains we have been having.
Back at work, the PVs finishing off a ramp that a St. Vincent DePaul group started the week before.
There is nothing like a lunch break in the back of a pickup truck.
The chop saw was this volunteer's favorite tool
Putting in one of about 100 carriage bolts into this ramp
This finished project... a 90 foot ramp. What a beautiful job!
A familiar site for many volunteers...sorting and organizing at St. Vincent DePaul
What a beautiful job replacing this window. It was the first window by the volunteers who did the work.
Long arms come in handy when putting molding by the ceiling
The last day of another wonderful and successful summer of tutoring. In this picture are the two volunteers who ran the program and 3 of 4 of the students.
Cutting tile for Foxy Lady's bathroom floor. Of course the tile she bought had to be red!
Installing a new bathroom sink
Cleaning and polishing the new red floor before the big reveal
Out berry picking by the horse show lot. The berries were used to make a yummy blackberry cobbler.
The final group of PVs. We were a small group, but a mighty one!
Friday night we ate our pizza outside
The prep for the scrap lumber bonfire on the last night. I will add pictures of the actual bonfire when I get them. (psst....for those of you who took pictures, could you email them to me? Thanks)
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