A PV helping campers with a weaving project

A PV weaving specialist helps teach the kids her craft

The middle age group group shot

One of our former campers, Junior, stopped by to show off his son

Week two group shot with the junior counselors

The PV community working on their own art project

The male PV contingent helped put the quilt together

During the carnival a PV gets excited as a camper excels

The annual talent show always starts off with a number by some PVs.

This is actually the week 1 group shot, but I didn't have it to post last week : )

A special music program by a visiting PV had the oldest group listening intently

A camper making their quilt square

All smiles here!

The whole camp gathered in this room to thank our special helper, Dorothy

It's all about peace in this camp.

The oldest group on their field trip to the Museum of the City of New York. We got there a little early so we headed over to central park for a little bit.

A beautiful spot in central park.

Junior counselors working with the youngest kids

Our two birthday girls!

What beautiful smiles!

The oldest group's group shot

Our annual junior counselor dinner is always a good time

Talent show participants...

A camper picking their prize at the carnival

The campers quilt

Who said the games were just for the campers!

A camper playing Guitar Hero