Mission Statement: The PV Volunteers are an ecumenical community of diverse individuals. By providing a service experience in a variety of settings, we respond to human need, form relationships and encourage change and growth both in ourselves and with those we serve.

Visit our website to find out more: www.pvprogram.org

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Friday, July 5th, 2013

"Life mus be lived moment by moment. Each moment carries a message, a lesson for us." 
Dr. David K. Reynolds

We got back into the groove today after the holiday, by sending groups to work with UGWA (Upper Guyandotte Watershed Association) as well as a healthy sized group to work at St. Vincent DePaul. The group that worked with UGWA had the task of cleaning the river banks in Itmann, clear of garbage. The group filled five bags of trash and set them out to be picked up. The cleanup is an important part of keeping the watershed clean and safe. We hope to continue to help with this project in the future.

The rest of the volunteers went to St. Vincent DePaul and were assigned a wide variety of tasks. We had groups distributing furniture, sorting clothes, organizing paint, cleaning the warehouse and office, and helping in the office get a mailing out. Volunteers also did a few PV related tasks like getting the basketballs ready for the camp next week, getting the needed craft items out of storage, and measuring how much roofing material we had left, so to know if we need to get more. It was very impressive how everyone just went about their tasks and as a group we accomplished quite a bit in a day.

A group of PVs headed up to Glen Rogers Manor later in the day to play Banana Bingo, paint nails and talk with the residents. GR Manor continues to be a delight to all the PVs who go.

In the afternoon several volunteers also took the opportunity to visit with some folks whom they met during previous summers. Foxy lady was visited, as was the lady up the street who's house and her brothers house were flooded.

I have to say, we had another great dinner tonight. We had lasagne, salad and bread and it was delicious. There is something so nice to coming home to a home cooked meal every night and to top it off, it is fun to try everyone's cooking.

Closing out the week for reflection, we focused on our interconnectedness as people. How it is the interactions between people that will be what ultimately changes the world.

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