It has been awhile since we posted last, but there has been a lot of changes in the last few weeks. As of November first, we are officially independent of the Passionists, the physical office is now in Pineville, WV and cyber offices are set up in Cincinnati and Seattle. It is our hope that this transition goes as smoothly as possible and you as a volunteer will not notice a difference.
While all these changes are going on, TGIA, the young women's empowerment group in Bedford Stuyvesant continues meeting weekly. They are geering up for a bake sale at the church to help fund their service trip to WV in April. We will post the date when we know it so if you are in the NYC area you can stop by and support them.
Another upcoming event for the program is a special Mass for the PVs being held Sunday, December 13th at 3:00pm at Our Lady of Monserrate in Bedford Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, NY. The provincial and council will be saying the Mass to bless the transisiton to independence of the program after 37 years of direct connection with their community. We hope to see as many of you there as can attend.
We will try and update more frequently...