Mission Statement: The PV Volunteers are an ecumenical community of diverse individuals. By providing a service experience in a variety of settings, we respond to human need, form relationships and encourage change and growth both in ourselves and with those we serve.

Visit our website to find out more: www.pvprogram.org

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Seattle Pilot Program

The Seattle Pilot Program is taking shape! The PVs have been looking into expanding into new areas for week long service projects and Seattle will be the first stop, April 27 - May 4th.. The week will have a different service activity each day ranging from helping with a community meal to working with Habitat for Humanity, and will include the other important parts of the PVs, community and nightly reflection.

We are limiting this trip to 10 volunteers and 7 spots are filled, with additional maybes.  The volunteer is responsible in getting themselves to and from the Seattle, but once you are there the program will cover your costs. If you are interested in joining us, please let us know ASAP.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

PVs Hurricane Sandy Cleanup on the Jersey Shore this Weekend

It is not too late to join us for a day of Hurricane Sandy Cleanup on the Jersey Shore this Sunday. We will be working in one of the hardest hit areas in New Jersey, Seaside Heights. PVs will join together to lend a few extra sets of hands to help out with whatever is needed.  We will be meeting in Bradley Beach (easily accessible by Jersey Transit from NYC) Sunday morning and then driving down to Seaside Heights. If you would like to join us, please let us know ASAP.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

PVs Awarded State Farm Grant

We are happy to announce that the PVs have been awarded a $5,000 grant from State Farm Insurance. While we were in West Virginia last week, we stopped by the Mullens State Farm office to pick up the check and thank them for the donation. One of the local agents' daughter was a long time Mullens Soccer Camp attendee. He had very nice things to say about the PVs and their commitment to Wyoming County.

We are very thankful to State Farm for helping the PVs.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Live with Passion Deadline Approaching

The 6th Annual Live with Passion is about a month away, but the deadline to get t-shirt sponsors to us is this Friday. If you know someone who would like to be a t-shirt sponsor for the event, at the very low price of $50, please let us know. We need to send in the logo artwork to our printer this Friday, so time is running out! The t-shirt sponsors cover the cost of the t-shirts so that all monies collected for the actual events go directly to the programs run by the PVS.

Also, if you are planning on hosting an event, please let us know so we can publish the information on our blog ASAP.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday, March 15, 2013

For the final day of the week, the NIU students spent the day helping with the monthly distribution at the
Itmann Food Bank. Upon arrival they were each given a task ranging from packing food boxes, distributing clothing and baby goods, to helping clients bring their boxes out to their cars. Distribution day is always a great time to meet a lot of the Wyoming County residents, both clients and food bank volunteers alike.

After distribution, the students took a bit of a driving tour of the county enjoying the beautiful scenery. As the evening was drawing to a close they headed up to Twin Falls for a closing dinner and prayer service.

As always, it was a wonderful group of students and a wonderful week. Thank you to NIU for continuing to collaborate with the PVs and a special thank you to Dan for spending the week with us.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thursday, March 14, 3013

We awoke to a chilly morning with the temperatures at a mere 23 degrees when we left for the work sites. Today the group was split up into three groups, one went to the finish up the deck project, one group went to Head Start and a third group went to St. Vincent DePaul to help out with furniture distribution.

The home repair site went very smoothly and the finished project looks great. We had to start the day with a bit of snow removal, but after that everything went smoothly. At the end of the day hugs were shared goodbyes were said. We left proud of our work, and the home owner was very happy and excited about her new deck and ramp.

The group that went to St. Vincent DePaul were able to assist in giving out furniture and other home goods and interact with the people and with the other workers. It is always an eye-opening and learning experience to experience a day at SVDP.

The last group went to the final day of Head Start. Unlike the porch project and distribution of goods at SVDP, Head Start can be hard because you can't really see the impact you may have on a child. But the students presence at the Head Start for the week was so important. We are grateful that the teachers are open to having students come in and help out.

Below are pictures, first from yesterday at the site before we had to call it a day, and secondly from today and the final project.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Today, the weather caught us by surprise a bit. The forecast was for flurries and snow showers throughout the morning.  Instead we started at the sight in snow showers that quickly turned into a mini-blizzard. Lots of snow coming down and wind. Everyone waiting out the blizzard in the cars, but when it died down a bit and we went outside there was two inches of snow, making working on the deck an impossible task for the day. We called it an early day for the home repair group, but the Head Start volunteers were unaffected by the weather, as there was little to no snow on that side of the county. Below are some scenery pictures, tomorrow I'll post some pictures taken at the home repair site today and well as tomorrows pictures and the finished deck.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

After a night of hard rains we were blessed with a dry day, although quite a bit cooler than the day before, but dry. With the weather cooperating so far, we have continued our wonderful progress on our ramp and deck. All that we have left is about a third of the ramp and the railings. We should be able to wrap up the project by the end of the day tomorrow.

The PVs have kind of a neat connection to the ladies house that we are working on. First off, we received the site through St. Vincent DePaul, who was informed of the need by the Mullens Ministrial Committee.  On Sunday when we met up with the son to take us out to his mothers house, we realized we knew him. His son took part in the Mullens Soccer Camp this past summer. It is always great when the different parts of our program intersect in many ways.

The students who did come to the home repair site today spent their day with the kids at Head Start. Head Start is always  wonderful opportunity to work one-on-one with the kids, give the teachers a little bit of a break, and in return, with the extra volunteer hours, the Head Start receives extra funding. It really is a win-win for everyone.

We put another sampling of pictures from the home repair site below for your enjoyment.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday, March 11, 2013

The beginning of a new week usually means the beginning of a new project, and this week is no different. Five of the students, along with Dan, started the day by ripping off the old porch of a ladies house near Mullens in Pierpont. This was done in amazing quick fashion. By the time the last of the wood was delivered, they were ready to build, and build they did! By the end of the day all the framing was done for the porch and the ramp, as well as some of the deck boards. We were very impressed with the work that was done, and so was the neighbor. At the end of the day he came out to ask us about doing a job for him. He thought we were a local group of contractors! We think that speaks volumes about the work that was done. PVs everywhere should be proud!

The other group of students spent the day with the Bailyesville Head Start. They arrived in time to have breakfast with the kids, spent the day learning and playing, ate lunch, took a nap (ok maybe they didn't nap) and at the end of the day, rode with the kids on the buses as they were dropped off at their homes. As Head Start always is, it was a wonderful day spending one on one time with the local kids and getting a little insight into their lives.

We got very lucky with the weather as it was suppose to rain, but it held off to about 5 minutes before we arrived home at the end of the day. It has made up for lost time as it has been pouring ever since, but it is suppose to be sunny tomorrow, cool, but sunny.

Thanks for taking the time and reading about our day!

Over 100 "likes" on Facebook

Thank you for helping us get over 100 "likes" and spreading the word about the PVs!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

NIU Service Trip

Today marks the beginning of Northern Illinois University's 2013 Service Trip, their 15th year coming with the PVs. They are, yet again, another wonderful group of students and we are looking forward to working with them throughout the week.

The first Sunday is always a time for community bonding for the group, Mass, biscuit world, hiking, get to know you activities, etc. As the day is starting to draw to a close, the group gets an orientation to the PVs, the area and the activities they will be participating in.  The day finally wrapped up with the PV's traditional commission service to send the students forth for their week. Everyone is eager and ready for where ever the journey leads them.

Check back on the blog daily as we post about the activities and pictures from the adventures.